Zixuan Yi



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About Me

Hi, I am Zixuan (Eve) Yi. I am a first-year CS PhD student at University of Pennsylvania, advised by Ryan Marcus and Zack Ives. Before this, I earned my bachelor degree in CS from Tsinghua University.

You can find me at Twitter @yi_zixuan, linkedin or email me zixy@seas.upenn.edu.


🇨🇱 I will be attending the SIGMOD’24 Conference at Santiago, Chile.

☁️ I will be interning at the SystemsResearch@Google in 2024 Summer.

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in Databases and Machine Learning System.


Low Rank Approximation for Learned Query Optimization.
Zixuan Yi, Yao Tian, Zachary G. Ives, Ryan Marcus [paper][poster]

Regressions and large overhead time are the major concerns when machine learning based query optimizers are put into production system. We proposed the first “workload-level” query optimizer that optimize the whole workload all at once without any regressions. Leveraging the similarities between queries, we cast the problem as low-rank matrix completion - using this pure linear method gives us 100x overhead time gain!